The persistent and compounding crises in Lebanon are exacting a devastating toll on children across the country. Ongoing economic and political crises were already a concern prior to the recent onset of a cross-border conflict. A permanent ceasefire is necessary to protect the children living in Lebanon today. As of October 30, 2024, more than 1,173 children have been injured and 178 children have been killed.
In addition to a physical burden, there is an alarming emotional burden, particularly among children exposed to military escalation on the country’s southern borders, including Palestinian refugees. There are around 190,000 internally displaced people within Lebanon, half of whom are women and children. The influx of displaced populations has placed a higher demand on essential hygiene items and they are experiencing rising rates of malnutrition and developmental challenges. More than 20,000 children were affected by school closures since last October while skyrocketing prices and widespread poverty are forcing families to resort to desperate measures for one meal per day and basic shelter. UNICEF continues to work with the Ministry of Education to start the new school year in public schools and ensure access to learning for all children despite the conflict.
The attack on September 23, 2024 worsened the crisis, particularly in the healthcare sector. Hospitals across the country became overstretched as they faced severe shortages and supply stock-outs. In response, UNICEF has procured and delivered 167 tons of emergency medical supplies to Lebanon’s Ministry of Public Health. UNICEF will continue to procure and distribute additional medical supplies and medications to support affected individuals and prevent the spread of cholera, which was recently confirmed in the Governorate of Akkar.
Throughout the crisis, UNICEF has focused on supporting the most vulnerable children and families, regardless of nationality. Since September 23 2024, UNICEF has:
- Delivered 364,691 litres of fuel to Water Establishments and repairs to 54 water facilities
- Distributed high-energy nutrition rations and micronutrient supplements to 5,149 children and 1,195 adolescent girls and pregnant and lactating women
- Involved 431 youth in youth-led initiatives focused on emergency response
- Distributed learning and recreational materials to 40,380 children in collective shelters
With your help, UNICEF can continue to support the critical needs of children and families in Lebanon.