Una Nessuna Centomila Foundation
Emotional education in Italian schools: a project to overcome stereotypes related to gender roles
About this Giving Opportunity
The Una Nessuna Centomila Foundation carries out in Italy some activities that rely mainly on promotion of events, concerts, exhibitions and installations for cultural animation, with the dual purpose of raising awareness on the issues of gender discrimination and male violence against women and raising funds for the activation and support in the management of anti-violence centers and shelters; promotion of cultural, educational, training, prevention, information and emotional education programs to intervene early in the structuring of gender stereotypes; strengthening the autonomy of women emerging from situations of violence.
The object of this educational project will be listening and managing emotions, working on the body by activating the empathic mechanism proposing an informal and dynamic approach, based on tools to facilitate relationships, movement games and already tested playful and experiential activities.
Beneficiaries of educational actions are middle school students in Naples, a difficult place to live for girls and boys. Not only that, other beneficiaries include teachers to whom specific trainings will be offered and the entire community of Naples and province as part of local outreach and activation events.
At the conclusion of the project, a communication campaign will be produced that will arise from the experiences gathered during the workshops with the aim of raising awareness of overcoming those stereotypes related to gender roles, which are at the root of violence against women and in emotional relationships between peers. In addition, the same students will conduct a theatrical performance at the Mercadante Theater in Naples, whose management is particularly sensitive to the issue of preventing male violence against women, cultural change and support for the economic autonomy of women coming out of violence.