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Help Support UNICEF with Procuring and Distributing COVID-19 Vaccines


As the COVID-19 pandemic endures, it perpetuates an unprecedented socioeconomic, humanitarian, and human rights crisis which is taking its toll on the most vulnerable worldwide.

UNICEF is leading efforts to procure and supply COVID-19 vaccines in what is the world’s largest and fastest ever procurement and supply of vaccines, as part of the global vaccine plan of the COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access Facility (COVAX Facility) led by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. As of early November, more than 462 million doses have been delivered across 144 countries.

By investing in COVID-19 vaccine-related efforts, you will provide UNICEF and partners with the operational support needed to address this unprecedented global response, including:
• Delivering 3 billion doses of the vaccine, including 2+ billion to lower-income countries;
• Increase COVID-19 vaccinations coverage from 20% to 30%; and
• Delivering COVID-19 vaccines to 4 emergency setting countries.

Every dollar adds up to big impact:
• $7 can cover the supply of 4 COVID-19 vaccine doses in a low-or middle-income country
• $30 can provide the delivery of 5 COVID-19 vaccine doses in a humanitarian setting
• $100 can provide 1 cold box, capable of holding and regulating the temperature of 1,800 vaccine doses

With your support, UNICEF will be able to mitigate the negative consequences of COVID-19. As the pandemic continues, UNICEF is working with partners to reimagine and develop a world that is a safer and more equitable place for communities and children everywhere.

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