Young people against gender inequality and violence through participative art and new technologies
Over deze Doneermogelijkheid
The second edition of the Comunicatio Manifesta Project aims to inform and raise awareness among young people and their community on gender inequality and violence through participative art and new technologies. Our aim is to extend the project to the whole Italian country and in the next future to Europe as well.
Project duration: September 2023 - June/November 2024.
Keywords of this edition
4 cities in the centre and south of Italy: Rome (Lazio), Naples (Campania), Palermo (Sicilia), Cosenza (Calabria)
The project comprises 7 phases, from the presentation of the project to the artistic workshops. Through an experiential training pathway, students will be enabled to develop a critical thinking on the theme of inequality and gender violence, starting from a legal and social framework of the phenomenon.
The students who participated in the previous edition of the project will be directly involved as our ambassadors and they will enable us to strengthen the message of information and awareness-raising that BEAWARENOW aims to convey through the tool of participative art. The focus, also this year, is a pathway to deepening and raising awareness on the theme of gender inequality and violence.
Our objective is promoting changes in socio-cultural behaviour in order to eliminate prejudices, customs, traditions and any other practices based on stereotyped models of women's and men's roles.
Participative art
Active involvement - through participative art - is the basis of BEAWARENOW's philosophy: we start from the assumption that, compared to the classical didactic approach of the frontal lessons, a workshop context, declined through a series of meetings entrusted to experienced trainers and professionals, allows a deeper awareness. Our workshops will therefore aim to provide girls and boys with the skills to understand the complexity of the phenomenon by examining it from a variety of points of view, from the legal to the social, from the cultural to the human one.
Final result
The students, in addition to participating in the workshops, will be divided into small groups and asked to make a self tape on the theme of gender inequality and violence: they will choose a short text (from novels, essays, songs, poems, TV series etc.) and present it in a short video (like the self tapes that actors make to take part in castings). A special YouTube channel will be created to disseminate and share the work, and social media will be used according to a specially developed communication plan. The various stages of the work with the students will be documented by our videomaker, for the final event, a video story will be produced illustrating the various phases of the project.
BEAWARENOW is a private, nonprofit organization based in Rome that is committed to raising public awareness about social issues affecting national and international communities. Specifically, over the past 8 years, Beawarenow has brought attention to human trafficking and gender-based violence using field projects, public awareness and education activities in schools and universities in both Italy and abroad, all with a unique tool: participative art.
BEAWARENOW promotes respect, active citizenship and personal responsibility by activating initiatives such as the Comunicatio Manifesta project now in its second year. The overall objective of the project is to activate a multi-level process of raising awareness and in particular:
- in young people a real understanding and decoding of what gender-based violence means and in what terms it represents a serious violation of a person’s fundamental rights;
- in teachers a reflection on the educational relationship aimed at activating in young people a greater willingness to be attentive citizens and advocates of responsible behavior, responding to the social need for commitment to counter gender violence and consequently to activate a reorganization of teaching;
- in families, a strengthening of the educational function of their children by orienting them to emotional, social and cultural maturation in the respect and enhancement of the rights at the basis of human society.
These same dynamics of awareness and active citizenship will be promoted through the nationwide dissemination of the Comunicatio Manifesta project and its outputs – as the creation of self-tapes on the theme of inequality and gender-based violence – produced by students coming from four regions across Italy (Lazio, Campania, Sicily and Calabria).
This is a social investment intervention whose impact is measurable in terms of the activation of skills and capacities of the recipients, namely the young students of the schools involved in the project.