Profil de la cause
E.V.A., Società Cooperativa Sociale ONLUS
Santa Maria Capua Vetere, CasertaE.V.A. Social Cooperative was born in 1999 with a specific mission: to combat and to prevent male violence against women, to safeguard the rights of women and children, to remove inequalities and discriminations from the society.
Since 1999 E.V.A. Social Cooperative runs shelter and antiviolence center in the south of Italy. For our mission it's very important to support economic independence and authonomy in women survived to male violence.
The main objective of action of Cooperativa EVA is the safeguard of women from violence in domestic situations, by violent husbands, partners, fathers o brothers, providing life alternatives for them and their children (in antiviolence centre, safe houses,…).
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