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Equality Now: End Sexual Violence against Women and Girls from Marginalized Communities in India

Support activists in India working to repeal discriminatory laws perpetuating violence against women

Om den här Gåvomöjlighet

About Equality Now

Equality Now is a global human rights advocacy organization committed to ending violence and discrimination against women and girls around the world. With a focus on legal advocacy, Equality Now works tirelessly to challenge laws and practices that perpetuate gender-based violence, such as sexual exploitation, female genital mutilation, child marriage, and sex trafficking. By partnering with grassroots activists and using strategic litigation and advocacy, Equality Now seeks to create lasting change and ensure that women and girls have equal rights, opportunities, and freedoms.

About the Project

This project aims to combat sexual violence against marginalized communities in India—Dalit, Adivasi and Muslim women—who continue to face discriminations on multiple levels which are often invisibilized by families, communities, women’s movements, and the government. Equality Now and its partners aim to ensure justice for survivors of sexual violence by advocating for improved policies and the effective implementation of laws and engaging with government stakeholders to address impunity for gender-based crimes.

Key activities include advocating for access to justice, strengthening collaborations among grassroots organizations, expanding the campaign to include Adivasi women, capacity building workshops, evidence gathering, engaging stakeholders to criminalize marital rape, utilizing strategic litigation, and leveraging partnerships for global awareness and commitments. Our efforts seek to highlight and address discrimination faced by Dalit, Adivasi, and Muslim women, fostering deeper change in the future.

Välgörenhetsprojekt i den här Gåvomöjlighet

Equality Now

New York, New York, 10008, United States

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