Extreme floods in early May in Southern Brazil’s Rio Grande do Sul this year have left devastating consequences for children and families. As of September 2024, 1,852 people were displaced and living in 41 shelters across 23 municipalities. The infrastructure in the regions affected was severely damaged, and in some cases, destroyed, leaving some hospitals and schools unfit for use. A total of 692 institutions have required additional funding to repair or replace their infrastructure, equipment, or materials.
The destruction of schools in particular has affected the education of over 28,000 students. After flooding in Rio Grande do Sul, two of Brazil’s largest cities, São Leopoldo and Pelotas, experienced new flooding, displacing more children and their families. This prolonged displacement exacerbates school dropout and evasion risks.
Collaboration between the Brazilian government and army and UNICEF has helped to rebuild Rio Grande do Sul in the form of water supply recovery, reconstruction support, and cash transfers. UNICEF has been able to provide targeted support through:
- Training 240 healthcare facility staff and community health workers in infection prevention and control
- Distributing 1,667 menstrual hygiene management supplies and services to women and girls
- Providing 1,776 children with access to formal or non-formal education, including early learning
- Expanding 27,686 peoples’ access to a sufficient quantity of safe water for drinking and domestic needs
- Providing 1,722 children with protection, psychosocial support and recreational activities
UNICEF remains present to assess the situation and the needs of children as Rio Grande do Sul continues to be rebuilt. With your support, UNICEF can continue its crucial work to help those families affected by this emergency. Thank you.